We're going to download recent crimes from the City of Chicago's data portal.
Ultimately, we're going to construct a query using the REST API of Socrata, the service/software used to host the city's data. This data set has changed in the past, so before we build our query, let's get a list of the column names so we can figure out which column to filter on to find recent crimes.
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import json
import requests
def get_data_portal_url(view_id):
return 'http://data.cityofchicago.org/api/views/{view_id}'.format(
def get_dataset_columns(view_id):
Get dataset field names from the Socrata API
A dictionary that acts as a lookup table from column ID to column name
url = get_data_portal_url(view_id)
meta_response = requests.get(url)
if not meta_response.ok:
meta = meta_response.json()
return {c['id']: c['name'] for c in meta['columns']}
columns = get_dataset_columns(CRIME_SOCRATA_VIEW_ID)
for column_id, name in columns.items():
print("{}: {}".format(column_id, name))
It looks like the column named "Date" with an ID of "154418879" is the one we want.
In [9]:
date_column_id, date_column_name = next((i, n) for i, n in columns.items() if n.lower() == "date")
print("Date column ID: {}".format(date_column_id))
The response data contains column IDs rather than column names. Let's build a lookup table to convert them later, and a helper function to "fix" our rows that we get from the API.
In [30]:
def slugify(s, replacement='_'):
return s.replace(' ', replacement).lower()
def get_clean_column_lookup(column_lookup):
return {str(i): slugify(n) for i, n in column_lookup.items()}
human_columns = get_clean_column_lookup(columns)
import pprint
def humanize_columns(row, column_lookup):
humanized = {}
for column_id, value in row.items():
humanized[column_lookup[column_id]] = value
except KeyError:
humanized[column_id] = value
return humanized
Let's build a query for the Socrata API.
In [11]:
from datetime import date, timedelta
def build_query(since_date, date_column_id, view_id):
Get a Socrata API query for all records updated after the last update
since_date (datetine.date): date object. All crimes since this date will be retrieved.
date_column_id (str): String containing the column ID for the dates we'll filter on
view_id (str): Socrata view ID for this dataset
Dictionary that can be serialized into a JSON sring used as the POST
body to the Socrata API
query = {
'originalViewId': view_id,
'name': 'inline filter',
'query' : {
'filterCondition': {
'type': 'operator',
'value': 'AND',
'children' : [{
'type' : 'operator',
'value' : 'GREATER_THAN',
'children': [{
'columnId' : date_column_id,
'type' : 'column',
}, {
'type' : 'literal',
'value' : since_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
return query
# Months are different lenghts. Let's just find the date 30 days ago
today = date.today()
date_30_days_ago = today - timedelta(days=30)
query = build_query(date_30_days_ago, date_column_id, CRIME_SOCRATA_VIEW_ID)
import pprint
print("The query looks like this: ")
Now let's request the data from the API, using our query
In [32]:
import json
import requests
def get_rows_url(start, count):
url_tpl = "https://data.cityofchicago.org/api/views/INLINE/rows.json?method=getRows&start={start}&length={length}"
return url_tpl.format(
def get_rows(query, start=0, count=1000):
url = get_rows_url(start, count)
headers = { 'content-type' : 'application/json' }
response = requests.post(url, data=json.dumps(query), headers=headers, verify=False)
return response.json()
def transform_row(row, transforms):
transformed_row = row
for transform in transforms:
transformed_row = transform(transformed_row)
return transformed_row
def get_all_rows(query, transforms=[]):
continue_fetching = True
page_size = 1000
start = 0
while continue_fetching:
rows = get_rows(query, start, page_size)
if len(rows) < page_size:
continue_fetching = False
start += page_size
for row in rows:
yield(transform_row(row, transforms))
crimes = list(get_all_rows(query, transforms=[lambda r: humanize_columns(r, human_columns)]))
In [37]:
import pprint
print("There are {} crimes since {}".format(len(crimes), date_30_days_ago.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")))
print("The first one looks like: ")
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